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Juice Pro Wrestling

Oct 31, 2018

This week Juice and Big Ed are joined by Brian "The Brain" Laneve and Justin "Alright, Alright" Albright from 3 Floyds Brewery.  Join us as we drink "Zombie Dust" and "Amber Smashed Face"

The guys discuss Horror gimmicks, Halloween Havoc, Black Label Pro's "Big Trouble in Little Crown Point" event, House Hardy Halloween, and much more! 

Special appearances by the ghosts of wrestlers passed. Tune in to hear who's haunting about the Green Door Studio. 

Happy Halloween from Juice Pro Wrestling Podcast and the Green Door Network!

Check out 3 Floyds brewpub in Munster, Indiana and follow them on Twitter @3Floyds and @3floydspub and check 

Follow them on Facebook & Instagram as well as Juice Pro Wrestling! 

Remember to call and leave a voicemail on the JPDUB voicemail line at:
